Harmon Family Pics 2010

What a good-lookin brood we are! Isn't my nephew the cutest baby you've ever seen? It doesn't get better than that! This picture was taken at the Harley-Davidson Dealership in Lindon, UT. I happen to think its an amazing building but I am biased since my dad did build it!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Principles & Standards

Tonight is our annual Mortenson Christmas Party. I am very excited to be able to see my extended family. The more I reflect on this time of season, the more grateful I am for the love of my family and more importantly, the Savior. As I was preparing my lesson for Relief Society this morning, I reflected on the principles the savior has set forth for us. It is apparent to me that as long as we set our priorities inline with the Savior's plan for us we will never stray from our destined path. I am thankful for this time of season and for the standards that Heavenly Father has set for me.

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